Clarity is a 5 step process that will help you explore the deeper waters and higher horizons of your being. It is developed by Jeru Kabbal, and uses very simple but powerful tools that can also be used at home, incorporating changes into your everyday life. It incorporates various methods of self inquiry, regression work, here and now techniques and powerful breathing meditations like the Quantum Light Breath. The purpose of the Clarity Process is to help you be fully grounded in the present moment and be clear.
Read more about individual sessions Read more about the Clarity Process
To our German workshops
But maybe read this first! “Als Deutsche unterwegs in englischer Sprache auf dem Weg der Klarheit”.
Tsuki Center has closed. You are looking at an archived website. If you would like to organize an English spoken workshop with Taetske, please contact her at her new website at
Clarity Process retreat ‘Golden Wings - Blue Sky’
Focuses on step 2, 3 and 4.
In these two life-changing weeks you can shift from identifying with your old, self-limiting personality to the countless expressions of the moment. You will have already convinced your Deeper Mind that you are no longer a caterpillar but are a full-fledged butterfly. You are ready to fly.
Clarity Process Inner Core ‘The Sacred Journey Home’
Focuses on step 3, 4 and 5.
Give yourself the most beautiful gift: the gift of Clarity. It is the intention in this three year ongoing program to help participants move to true Self Realization.
Extra Inner Core workshop ‘My Seven Years with Jeru’
As a framework for this workshop, I will go through the 7 years that I had with Jeru. This gives me the opportunity to share my personal experience with him, and some of the exercises and processes that were highlights for me, and ones that I didn’t share until now in my own teaching.
Into the Silence
Pre-announcement: Taetske will give a 10 day Vipassana-Clarity Retreat for experienced Clarity Process practitioners in Schloss Bettenburg. For interest and information, use the link to contact Martin Luckinger: