It’s all about making the Clarity Process available to everyone…

Would you like to partake in a Clarity workshop, but you have trouble finding the money?
Are you a Clarity fan and feel that it should be available to everyone? Contact the Dana Clarity Fund! It works both ways.

The Dana Clarity Fund started in November 2012 to support people who would like to do a Clarity workshop but do not have the financial means. The fund is run by volunteers who feel that everybody should have the opportunity to step out of the dream and live in the reality of now.

The board consist of experienced Clarity Process practitioners.


This would not be possible without the generous gifts of their donors. Thank you for that!

For more information, go to their website


Are you inspired to support others, because you know what the workshops can do? Donations can be transferred to: 

Stichting Clarity Fonds
IBAN: NL55 TRIO 0197955096 (BIC: TRIONL2U).

Also small amounts helps!

Apply for help

Minima can get a reduction or help with paying in installments. Contact the Fund at

Make sure to put in your application at least two months before the start of the workshop!